Monday, October 24, 2011

You're so vain

I haven't posted in a while. I was thinking about it this evening and I think part of it's because the house is, in large part, done. Now if I post, I'm just talking about living in it. That seems kind of pompous.

Maybe we'll do something interesting and I'll post about it. I will strive to come up with something appropriately house-y...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

That is one fine lookin' house

Paul had a photographer come over and take some nifty shots of the house. There are now posted on his website here:

The photographer is Dan Kvitka. Dan, thanks for making our house look so nice! Per his website, he's a top PDX photographer for artists, galleries, museums and product/graphic designers. Yeah, that sounds like the right guy for us. Check out his other stuff here:

Rumor has it that a national magazine may be considering publishing a piece on our humble home. Oh please, god-of-yuppie-architecture, do your architecture god magic—we're really love to be published. And the rest of you, keep it under wraps. I don't want you to jinx it.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Depends on the importance of the word "the"

Prutting has a couple of new pics of our house on their blog. Yippee!

Check it out:

I think our house is now officially called "Leedy House." Or perhaps "The Leedy House." you think the "The" makes us look fat? Or just a little silly? Kind of like the way "The" makes "The Dalles" silly?

In closing, did you know that the area just West of The Dalles is a part of town called "West The Dalles"? Really. You can look it up. Oh here, I'll do it for you.

Silly, indeed.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

It is on

AIA Design Matters Home tour is this morning. Who-hoo!

Greg and Drew laid decking down on our front balcony last night. It looks amazing. Drew is the hero of the week.

I can't chat; must get ready. People are coming.