Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ropin' the Wind

Good ol' Rich has come up with the perfect close-but-not-at-all-right nickname for our neighborhood Garthwick. From now on, we'll lovingly refer to it as GarthBrooks. 'Cause I've got friends in loooow places, where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases the blues away. It'll be OK." (Needless to say, this is totally NOT the right vibe for Garthwick, but whatevs.)

We were pleased to show Rich and Leland around the house on Saturday. Leland is contemplating a similar project to ours (to which my brain simultaneously says "yay!" and "the horror, the horror!"). I believe Leland is the only person we've ever had over that recognized all of our seemingly random folk art. He must be one of us. Long lost peeps!

Thanksgiving dinner at Chez Leedy this Thursday—the first of what's sure to be many parties here, intimate and gigantic. Yee-haw!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I have been reading some old posts again—both from this blog and my other occasionally-used tech blog—and have noticed a bunch of typos, misspellings and assorted sloppy things.

In my mind, I am a model of tidiness, but in reality I am lazy and sloppy. Good Lord, that is depressing. I wonder what other delusions I'm living under...

I am now vowing to do a better job at using spell check as well as at using actual m-dashes as opposed to two hyphens. I will try to do right by you, my loyal readers. Don't be overuse of ellipses and superlatives will continue. Ellipses are the best punctuation marks EVER!

Oh, also, I'll try to find something to blog about.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Feeling autumnal

Autumn has arrived in Garthwick. The leaves are taking over (and I mean that in a good way). So many deciduous trees—it boggles the mind. We're enjoying our new Linden thanks to Friend of Trees, and looking forward to seeing it grow.

Greg's friend Ian Mastenbrook was in the neighborhood a few weeks back and took some nice shots of the foliage. Check 'em out:

And now we need to find our rake. ;-)