Saturday, April 14, 2012

I heart Elvis Costello

This post has nothing to do with the house, but everything to do with great rock & roll. Greg and I saw Elvis Costello & the Imposters last night. I'd seen EC 2 or 3 times before, but this was by far the best show. Truly fantastic. Best set EVER! (Well, except that he skipped Everyday I Write the Book, but that's understandable given that he doesn't really like the song).

Highlights for me:
- He played Veronica! He never plays that. And it wasn't on the Spectacular Spinning Songbook. Such a surprising moment that I teared up. (Note that I tried to convince Greg to name our first baby Veronica after this song, but no dice.)
- He played Allison and then segued into Over the Rainbow and finally into There's a Time for Us Somewhere (please, Broadway Mafia, have mercy on me) from West Side Story. Wow. Awesome.
- I Want You played live is really spectacular any time, and he was in great form last night.
- In addition to his own stellar songbook, he covered Nick Lowe, Rolling Stones, Chuck Berry, Johnny Cash and the Beatles.
- Steve Nieve really rocked it out on a couple of songs.
- They closed it out with Peace, Love and Understanding.

Set list here:

I remain in awe. EC is my hero.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Leedy House in print...for reals!

It's an Easter miracle! Our house is in a magazine—Portland Monthly, to be exact.

And really it's a Prutting and Co. miracle, as they featured out house prominently in their large ad in the Real Estate and Garden issue of PM, page 43. Check it.

Andrew and the Prutting team, thanks for the lovely images and for the local press. I hope you get gobs of leads from this. Oh, and if you are salivating over the staircase railings pictured, send Greg some props as that's his most prominent design contribution.

If you want to pick up a copy of your own, it looks like this:
