Tuesday, May 31, 2011


This June promises many, many activities that are likely to bug us (or at least stress me out). We just mapped out our June calendar. There are 26 items on it. 26 distinct house things that need to be done before we are appraisal-ready. And I'm sure there are things that we've forgotten.



I'm tired already.

But in July, we move in!

Sunday, May 29, 2011


I've been remiss in not mentioning what Greg did while I was working on the tub. He was in the crawlspace for probably 5 hours today, building a floor of sorts so that we can store things.

Yay Greg!

No go and take some IB or you will be sorry...

(Note: I have no pictures as the crawlspace is dark and low. No one would want to be in there. Especially Tegethoff.)

Like a phoenix...

...our tub has risen from ashes and is now splendid.



Ooh, look at it shine

Good job e.
(Is it weird that I'm giving myself kudos?)

More photos of the tub here, as well as the hardwood floors going in as we speak.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Facade photos - we're legit

Paul took a couple of nice shots of the exterior, now available on the PMa site.

God, I am in love with the front balcony and railing.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Tomorrow afternoon a crew comes to carefully remove our kitchen countertop so that it may be moved to the other house and ultimately re-installed.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Wood floors, migrating kitchen

Hardwood floor installation starts next week, soon to be followed by re-finishing of the wood floors on the kids' level.

Our kitchen countertop in the old house is removed on Wednesday. It goes into storage while we move the cabinets, and then makes a triumphant return. Wait...how in the heck will we eat for 3 weeks? ;-)

Here's the kitchen countertop in its original environment:

We now enter the Zone of Insanity.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

See you in a couple of weeks then...

Well, the house isn't finished enough for an appraisal. Apparently we need finished bathrooms, kitchen and bedrooms for it to be habitable. Come on! Greg could easily live in it in its current state. (In retrospect, this seems pretty sensible, but we Leedys are dreamers.)

So....let's get the bathrooms and bedrooms done and move that kitchen!

Here's a picture of the house sans port-a-john. It comes back this week, but for a brief, shining moment, it was gone.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hope springs eternal...

We have an appraiser looking at the house today. It'd be really good for us if this meeting went well.

If you wanted to send some happy, hopeful thoughts our way, we'd gladly accept them.

Monday, May 16, 2011

I binary palindrome I

Check out what I happened to catch on the blog counter:

Over 1,000

Holy cow, this is a good omen.

And it's already gone. We've moved on to 1002. Progress cannot be halted now.

Totally floored

We've hired a crew to install our hardwood floors (and refinish the ones we saved in the bedroom wing). I think they get started later this week or early next. Floors!

A few more things on the horizon:
- Drywall mudding/taping (this week)
- Bathroom tiling (2 weeks out?)
- Painting
- Trim work
- Carpet
- Stair/landing railings
- Move the kitchen from house 1 to house 2 (yikes!)
Andrew, you have your work cut out for you. That list makes me tired. And frightened. And excited.

Here's a reminder of how beautiful the front of the house is when the sun is shining. Flowering spring tree, sub-contractor vehicles and port-a-john are bonus items. ;-)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thousands of fans love us

Or something like that. The blog counter is about to hit 1,000 views, which is pretty exciting (particularly since I set up the counter not to count views from my computer).

In order to hurry things up, I will post a few words that are bound to get us some bonus hits:
- Justin Bieber
- Kate Middleton
- Mid-century modern
- Ashton Kutcher
- Dry well

That outta do it.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sunny day, sweeping the clouds away...

It's remarkable what some sun and warmth can do for your attitude. Oh, and some brand-spanking new drywall, paint and balcony railing.

Massive progress has been made. We have walls! Walls, people.

Did I mention how nice the house looks when the sun is shining?

Here is a full set of pictures for you to peruse at your leisure: http://www.flickr.com/photos/25768433@N02/sets/72157626686147642/

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Entry, stairs and drywall progress

Check out how nice our entry looks now -- thanks Greg!

Drywall is going up at breakneck pace, who-hoo!!!

Also, stairs are up. Stair railings are to come.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Feeling kinda blue (the good kind)

The house is blue! An oh-so-subtle shade of blue. I have mentally dubbed it "air". Love, love, love it. Love.

Also, pieces of our stairway are going into the house.

And...we now have a railing on our balcony.

It's almost too much for words. Andrew, you are my hero of the week (well, at least so far).

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I'm not waiting on a lady, I'm just waiting on a friend...

...or a house painter. Due to a combination of slow pace and intermittent rain, our lovely grey-blue has not yet been sprayed on the house. Sigh.

BUT we're getting a balcony railing early next week, and drywall is being delivered Tuesday. Walls, people!

Friday, May 6, 2011


Paint should go on the house today (please, God, let paint go on the house today). It's primed, masked, caulked, ready to go!

The paint color we chose is light blueish grey and is called, appropriately enough, Mt. Rainier Grey. You'll see it in its full glory soon.

For now, a primed house:

Put a bird on it

We had a bird in our basement last night (old house). Greg got it out somehow, then we looked it up. Greg believes it was a Northern Flicker. Cool, eh?